Phantom MAPPACK v1 and v2
Assembled by iBotPeaches
What does v1 and v2 mean?
I wanted to start with a large mappack supporting 90 maps. This idea failed once I came to the realization that it was near impossible to have 90 mainmenu previews. I could have 90 maps, just not any mainmenu screenshots. I feel that diminishes the look of a mappack, so I decided to split my mappack into 2 version. Each version has 45 maps, and a mainmenu with previews.
I started this mappack around 3 years ago when the release of Killtrocity 2 was still fresh in the minds of everyone. I wanted to compete, thus I tried to create a mappack by myself. I was a noob and had no clue what I had just started. My DDS previews were aligned wrong, and I had very little knowledge of C# so I stopped, 3 years later I picked up the project to boost Halo 2 modding. Finished finding some mods, made the mainmenu shots and programmed an autopatcher.
The mappack release was orginally set for November of last year. However, after my first BETA test I quickly released that a few mods had issues of freezing, strange noises and others just wouldn't load. I double checked everything, and fixed what I could and replacing mods for others that didn't work. Then the problem of SLC arose. Long story short, I went from 20ish not working to 5.
- 3volved Beta (3volved Team)
- Ace Space Race (THE-MASTER)
- age_old_war (killar zachary)
- Aquatica (T Beezie)
- Arbitration (Spammy)
- Atomic Drifter (PBnJAM)
- BioDrop (DarkShallFall)
- Biohazard 3 (xheadshotmastax)
- BlockFortFinal (halo0001)
- Bubble Blast (CaptPoopface)
- BullDog (DemonicSandwhich)
- Cadaver Abuse (CaptPoopface)
- California (iGeo)
- Carousel (CaptPoopface)
- Carousel 2 (CaptPoopFace)
- Cellmates (CaptPoopface)
- Chaste Beaver (CaptPoopface)
- Chaste Warlock (CaptPoopface)
- Confusion (PBnJAM)
- Construction Hijinks (CaptPoopface)
- Deep Space (Elite747)
- Deserted_Metropolis (DrXThirst)
- Destruction Derby (PBnJAM)
- Divided (UR MAST3R)
- Donkey Kong Extreme (killershard)
- Duff World (DoorM4n)
- Dynamitron (Home Hacker)
- Evermore (Xxx~YoOoO~xxX)
- Fall From Grace (Jubakuba)
- Fissure (Smokey)
- Forge BM (DarkShallFall)
- Foundry (DarkShallFall)
- Frail Structure (Zone 117)
- Funbox (neodos)
- Grappling Hook (CaptPoopFace)
- GridIron (UpsetSpy)
- Halodays (Neodos)
- Havok (3volved Team)
- HellBound (xlRainlx)
- Hissing Dragon (PBnJAM)
- Ice King (CaptPoopface)
- Invocation (T Beezie)
- Isolophobia (BrownWigga)
- Kraken (CaptPoopface)
- Lab Raiders (CaptPoopface)
- Lockout Paintball (Barringer)
- mainmenus (iBotPeaches)
- Mech Bay (CaptainPoopFace)
- metropolis (DCDJ)
- metropolis2b (DCDJ)
- Miami (iGeo)
- Mines (CaptPoopFace)
- Missile Command (CaptPoopface)
- Monsoon (ScottyGee)
- NarBarBeBar (Darkshallfall)
- Neptune (Elite747)
- NightMare (DarkShallFall)
- Nightwinder2 (MrMurder's)
- outskirts_wreckage (DrXThirst)
- Pelican Beach (UnknowningAcorn)
- Perch (CaptPoopFace)
- Primal_Foregrounds (GPope)
- PrisonerRelease (Upsetspy)
- Prophets Elimination (xheadshotmastax)
- qBert v3 (CaptPoopface)
- Quiescent (Smokey)
- race_track (killar zachary)
- Rampage (PBnJAM)
- Ricochet (CaptPoopface)
- Sand_Storm (killar zachary)
- Schism (Spammy)
- Screamer (PBnJAM)
- Sewer (Zone 117)
- Ski_Resort (DoorM4n)
- Soaring Eagle (PBnJAM)
- Soccer Mounds (Freakazoid)
- Spacestation Control (UR MAST3R)
- Spectre Race (PBnJAM)
- Sublimation (x099x)
- Sunset Scorture (DrXThirst)
- The Frostbitten (DarkShallFall)
- The_Churchyard (DoorM4ne)
- Titan DeathMarch (CaptPoopface)
- Tokyo (MrBalll)
- Trampoline (CaptPoopface)
- UnderBrush (xlRainlx)
- Vanguard (Spammy)
- Vehicle War (RadisHASii)
- Wake_Island (Darkshallfall)
- Warthog Jumpjet (DemonicSandwich)
- Weapwar (DarkShallFall)
This mainmenu doesn't compare to Killtrocity 2, or come close to the mainmenus that neodos can make. It does boot the maps which is what I want you to remember. I tried to create a successful mainmenu, but all failed and there was much anger involved. So I simply got a fresh mainmenu and skinned just 3 elements of it. I also removed the blue filter to add to the change.
The autopatcher was a rough project. I tried doing it all from scratch and nothing would work. All I knew was I had to use the serenity calls to take advantage of autopatching. Then I got help from The_Guardians from his Serenity v3.2 autopatcher. This saved me from my pathetic coding structure that didn't even take advantage of reading the serenity patch for the output map. If interested you can view screenshots of my old code, here and here.
You can view the YouTube video here, or below embedded
- BigStack - Providing the links for various Team Remapped mods
- Click16 - Providing the links for various mods
- CaptainPoopface - Helping gather mods, and having a great deal of mods in this mappack
- Dark Slipstream - Helped me with some byte questions
- Detox - Helped me with XBE stuff
- Iron_Forge - Serenity 3.3
- neodos - Bouncing ideas off of, to help the mainmenu design and figure out the mainmenu
- Prey - Menu Menu Menu was the mainmenu editor used
- Pyrosquirrell - Beta Tester
- SmokiestGrunl - Beta Tester
- The_Guardians - Serenity Auto Patcher help, which boosted me to make my own
- troymac1ure - Updating Entity, which was used to fix SLC
- xbox7887 - Providing the source used for the "resigning" of maps
I have 3 separate hosters in which you can download. There are 13 parts that totals 1.18gb, but has 90 patches, all programs included for building an ISO, and a special optional bink file. All hosters are hosting the same parts, thus meaning you can download any parts from any hoster and then unRAR them all once you get all 13. Rapidshare, Megaupload and Mediafire are your choices for downloads. Below you will find a list if your trying to load into jDownloader, or hyperlinks if you will be manually downloading. I at first wanted to do a torrent, but I could only find 2 dedicated seeders and that would be at 5kbps and that would take forever. I'll put one up later on, once links seem to die.
Direct Download
H2 Phantom.rar 1.19GB
If you need clean H2 maps, visit
If you need the media, fonts, etc..this download contains it for you.
Halo 2 Structure (no maps)
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Edited by iBotPeaches, 18 April 2020 - 06:16 AM.
Updated links