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Xbox 360 Programs

Any program made to help modify your 360 and/or 360 xbox live profile.

28 files

  1. Xbox Image Browser

    Since the XGD3 games are being released now, the old applications wx360, used for ripping the ISOs, no longer works. This was the first application updated to handle them.



  2. XTAF Explorer

    A completely original program developed by slasherking823, XTAF Explorer can view, extract and inject files from a usb memory card that has been formatted by the xbox 360. It allows not only safe backup of game files, but also provides the ability to access your 360 data files for modding purposes. It has a built in GruntMods auto-updater to make sure you have the latest version on hand. It is available free to use in any guide or tutorial as well as home use, provided credit is given to the author and GruntMods. Forget buying a data migration kit from Microsoft, or Xport from Datel, XTAF Explorer is all you need to:

    Play modified game saves
    Modify local game files for desirable effects
    Mod Your gamertag
    Backup your data
    Get free themes and gamerpics
    Mod your avatar
    Boost your gamerscore
    Install system updates
    Now with HDD Support!



  3. Account Decryptor

    This Program is like Sigggggggggy, but it has the added convenience of opening a profile to. You can extract the Account file, and inject it. As well as Rehash\Resign the profile.
    Download Source: Here



  4. Le Fluffie

    This is a public demo application of the power of X360 (A class made by DJ)

    Halo 3 Film STFS (gamesaves, profiles, DLC, etc) SVOD (downloaded/burned games) Profile editing (GPD support (achievements, dash prefs, game data, etc) Account block editing Music support (extracting ripped music) FATX
    I posted this here because of the mass influx of people looking for it. However be nice and go back to DJ's site here: http://skunkiebutt.com
    Go donate or something to him, since he made this all open sauce.
    If you want to be sure you have an updated version. Go Here: http://skunkiebutt.com/?page_id=362



  5. POMA v2 (Pre Order My Ass)

    POMA v2
    (Unlocking "pre-ordered" bonus without pre-ordering)

    Unlock Golden Lancer (GOW2) Unlock Golden Hammerburst (GOW2) Unlock Maps (Red Faction Guerilla) Unlock Golden Hammer (Red Faction Guerilla) Unlock Honor Guard Wraith (Halo Wars) Unlock Fire Warthog (Halo Wars) Unlock M4A1 (COD5) Unlock FG42 (COD5) Unlock Baseball Bat (Left 4 Dead 2) Unlock Sgt. Johnson (Halo ODST) iBotModz Authentication Auto Updater

    Staff Response Updated on September 8th, 2010.
    -Added MD5 check for security

    Finally fixed downloading issue Added FG42 for COD5 Added Baseball Bat for Left 4 Dead 2 v1.0.0.7

    Fixed downloading issue



  6. GPI

    Get Free Gamer Pictures for a tutorial look on YouTube =)



  7. Avatar Color Editor

    Hello guys Ive finish up my Avatar Color Editor and is ready for people to test. Ive done had some testor and they said it worked fine. Please pay the respect and Dont flame.



  8. Pre-Order My Ass

    This is the Pre-Order My Ass public release!
    Created by: ixGAMEOVERxixx
    Made for: http://www.ibotmodz.net
    Beta team: Contributers:
    Lockon Stratos Lockon Stratos - Golden Lancer
    Ibotpeaches Curtis Waite - M1A1 Carbine
    Miinaturvat iTzoODavidOo - Flaming Warthog & Gold Hammer Burst
    Wil (Thunder UKx) Special thanks to:
    Curtis Waite
    Wil (ThunderUKx)
    Created for IBM
    Updater Code: Dakote



  9. xPort Software

    XPort 360 is a hardware and software package for use with Xbox 360 Hard drives,
    Xbox 360 memory cards and Xbox 1 memory cards.
    XPort 360 enables you to backup the contents of your Xbox devices and transfer
    data between them.
    Supported Devices:

    - Xbox 360 Datel Max Memory Card (Micro SD adaptor card.
    Tested with 1 to 16 gig Micro SD's. Should support 32Gig when available).
    - Xbox 360 Hard Drives (20gb, 60gb, 120gb)
    - Xbox 360 64Mb and 512Mb Memory cards*
    - Xbox 1 Microsoft 8Mb memory cards *
    - Xbox 1 Datel 8Mb memory cards (inc Action Replay memory card) *
    - Xbox 1 Datel 16Mb memory cards*
    - Xbox 1 Datel 32Mb memory cards*
    - Xbox 1 Datel 64Mb memory cards*

    - Image files of all the above. As in a backup image file you made from
    a device. This is so you can view and retrieve files from an image.
    Note: Currently you cannot write files to an open image file, only
    copy from. This is to prevent users corrupting their backup image files.
    * Driver required. To use an XBox 360 memory card or XBox 1 memory card, you will
    need to install the supplied "Xport360 USB V2 Device" device driver. The driver
    file "xport360_usb_v2.inf" or "xport360_usb_v2_x64.inf" can be found in the program
    folder (usually "C:\Program Files\Datel\XPort 360"). If you have connected your
    memory card to the XPort 360 hardware and to your PC; yet Windows does not ask you
    for a driver then it has probably installed the memory card as a "mass storage
    device". You will need to do into Windows "device manager" and update its driver.
    To do this, follow these steps:

    Click Start, then "run".
    Enter "devmgmt.msc" in the run edit box and click OK.
    In device manager, open the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" tree.
    You will see at least two devices called "USB Mass Storage Device".
    Right click the first "USB Mass Storage Device" and select "update driver".
    In the hardware update wizard, select "No, not this time", click next.
    Select "Install from a specific location", click next.
    Select "Don’t search, I will select the driver to install, click next.
    In the driver selection box, click the "Have Disk" button.
    Locate the "XPort 360.inf" file, usually found in "C:\Program Files\Datel\XPort 360".
    The driver "X360 MU USBIO" should now be selected, click next.
    Click "finish".

    Note that you do not need to install a driver to use the XPort 360 software with a hard disc drive.
    Making a Backup
    Please make sure you make a backup image of any device you are going to copy
    files to (or delete from). That way if it goes wrong you can restore the device!
    Making a backup (see manual or follow this):

    1. Install and run XPort 360. Ensure you install memory cards with the
    supplied driver "XPort 360.inf" (see manual).
    2. Cancel the "select device" dialog.
    3. In the "HDD/MC" menu select "Backup to Image".
    4. Select the device you want to backup.
    5. Select a destination file. You will need to select a path and filename
    where there is enough room for the image. Tip: Create a folder for your
    backups and use Windows compression on the folder and its contents; The
    images will then use much less space on your disk.
    6. Click the "Copy" button to begin the backup.

    Or, if you are backing up a hard disk and do not have enough hard disk space to
    make a full backup of the device, you can select "Backup Part Of Disk Only" in the
    "Backup To Image" dialog. This will back up only the first 16K bytes of the HDD.
    The partial backup image contains the important serial number (security sector) for
    the drive. As long as this area is restored to the drive, you can then format it
    in an XBox 360. Note that this will not affect the content* of the drive, but at least your
    drive will still work!
    *By content I mean: If the content consists of user profiles, save data, or
    other Xbox 360 media – this should still be there. If the data was overwritten
    (e.g. You formatted the drive in Windows, deleted all items, or overwrote the
    disk with some non-Xbox 360 HDD image), the drive will be empty and probably
    need formatting via the Xbox 360 System menu.
    - PC running Windows XP/2003/2000 operating system.
    - One or more of: Xbox 360 HDD, Xbox 360 memory card, Xbox 1 memory card.
    It is safe to remove devices immediately after a file has been written to the device
    (be it a HDD or memory card). All files and folders are written to the device directly with no
    write behind caching.
    The XPort 360 application was written from scratch. No code from any other source was used
    and even the FATX code was written based on own research and knowledge obtained from
    official specifications of FAT32, FAT16 and "long filenames". Hence you will find that this
    application may work differently to other applications you have used, in most cases it
    should work better!



  10. LIVE to CON

    Working LIVE to CON converter; for use with themes or anything else you find that can work when converted. This does not sign or hash the container.



  11. CONTool

    Reads and edits the CON header, also extracts/injects thumbnail images, and extracts the file inside of the CON. This does not hash or sign.
    SotG Caboose: coding
    gabe_k: research



  12. Winrar

    WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.
    Both 64bit and 32bit included.



  13. Dynasty Warriors 5 Save Resigner

    Just a little program to fix the Checksum32 at the start of the file. I don't even have this game, so you're on your own to mod it. After using this you STILL must Rehash and Resign.



  14. Xbox 360 Account Editor

    Edits the Gamertag and XUID of your Xbox 360 Profile.



  15. Explorer 360 Extreme 2

    A new version of Xplorer360, a tool to read/write on your Xbox/Xbox360 HDD and Xbox360 Memcard on PC, has been released.
    -support the new 120GB Hard Drives
    -support the new 512MB Memory Cards



  16. CONCept

    This is the best CON rehasher/signer out there that I have ever used. Good stuff
    Virus Total: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/ae1313e88a301b1691925fe1dbe4a60982c0684cbc262f143dafefdd44fd2147-1246076560



  17. CN CON Resigner

    CN CON Resigner

    Added Check for Updates.


    Single an Mass Rehaser/Resigner
    Create BackUp option for Single CON Rehash/Resign
    Change/Resign Profile,Device, an Console IDs
    Drag an Drop Support for ListBox
    Right Click Support for ListBox
    Extract/Inject Both CON Images
    Anonoymize CON ID's (Protecting CON)
    NXE Compatible Key Vault Included
    Check For Updates
    Changeable Color Scheme




  18. Doom Mod Tool

    Mod your doom XBLA gamesave with this tool
    i found this on some random site, but its clean.
    http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/dd68ca86d35ccc13d474b7702317707fdd22d4f6d613d6050bb095add67d5e1e-1247466070 0/41



  19. LIVE to CON convertor

    It's illegidly a LIVE to CON file convertor.
    I'm not taking credit for this, but I'm not sure who th author is, but I think I'll upload it here anyway



  20. Prototype Editor

    Prototype Editor
    Edit your EP (money) and buy every upgrade
    I worked on this today. As of now all you can do is edit your EP rating. I honestly don't know how well this will work depending on STFS variations I just didn't put the research out for it yet. This is just a BETA, next release should work also looking to add some more options.



  21. H3Stats

    This application pulls basic Halo 3 stats from Bungie such as.

    Service Tag
    Total EXP
    Current Rank (Both number and image)
    Current Emblem (Image)
    Current Spartan (Image)
    Ammount of MM games/custom games
    Total Kills (social and ranked)
    Next Rating
    Last Online (Date)
    Member Since (Date)
    Simply enter a GT.



  22. Coniliation

    Quote from superaison



  23. .Live File Info

    This tool allows you to open a live file and perform basic things on it. I don't understand the structure of live files or anything to comment much more.



  24. Gears of War 2 Mod Tool

    This tool is in the updated Modio Tool (Which I must say is stolen research with false credit)

    It must have a built in KV.bin, since it auto resigns with no obvious included KV.
    Last time I checked, it worked though.
    Simply load a gamesave from campaign in Gears 2.
    Choose your settings
    Then save the file
    Re-Transfer back to your Xbox



  25. wxStop

    This tool gives you the ability to stop/spin and eject/load. You use this to load a movie (larger than 8.5gb) then stop it. Hotswap it for the game your wishing to copy. Then click "spin" and it will restart that disc.
    This tool was built into wxRipper (so the use of it gradually declined)



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